Engineer – ADT CityLab Platform

Context of work

The engineer hired for this position will be working closely with the researchers of the inria ARLES-MiMove and CLIME project-teams , as part of their work on the “CityLab” Inria Project Lab.


This project will lead to developing and experimenting with a platform for democratizing urban data (with a special focus on urban noise), strongly linked with the “CityLab” Inria Project Lab.

Description of the job

We are looking for an engineer to complement our research on democratizing urban data, by achieving the following objectives in the course of 2 years:

• Development of a tool for transforming urban noise data available in different formats
• Development and experimentation of the core platform and noise monitoring mobile app, to be released in cities and within Inria
• Evolution of the app with socially- and privacy-aware features, building upon research happening in parallel in the associated Inria project-teams
• Building an open-source community around the platform, to foster take-up

Competence Required

• Experience in mobile+web app development, especially using Java, is essential
• Proficiency in Java 2SE, and its usage in the Android mobile operating system
• Scalable SQL and noSQL database knowledge is desirable as well
• Ability to analyze existing software codebase and find performance bottlenecks
• Familiarity with software project management techniques and tools (version control, testing, etc.)
• Excellent command over English


Refund for half of the cost of public transport
Free shuttle from Paris and Versailles
Restaurant on site

Additionnal information

Security and defense procedure: In the interests of protecting its scientific and technological assets, Inria is a restricted-access establishment. Consequently, it follows special regulations for welcoming any person who wishes to work with the institute. The final acceptance of each candidate thus depends on applying this security and defense procedure.


Click here to apply

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